It’s that time of year! Time
for the next
“Girls Night Out”
I have had
such success in the past, I am offering double the classes this year.
Tuesday, October 8th
The October Night will
feature Halloween and Harvest Crafts
November 7th , and Friday November 8th
the November Night will
focus on Christmas and Gift ideas
Watch for those crafts in the next week or so
All nights go
From 7:00 to10:00 p.m.
At my home 6070 N. Moose Creek
Bring a friend and enjoy a fun night of crafting and friendship! I have all the paint and equipment to make sure you actually finish the projects you start!
BUT....I have only 20
spots available each night!
(My house is only so big….=)
You must order your items
and reserve your spot
For the October Night NO
later than Weds. October 2nd .
And for the November Night NO
LATER THAN FRIDAY OCTOBER 25th – final prices and flier should
come out next week.
Please call
895-8904 to place an order and reserve a spot.
If you would
like to just purchase the products already made please contact me and let me
know. Because I am expecting all Orders will be finalized by Nov. 9th.
“October Girls
Night Out”
Kit price
includes wood and vinyl and any hardware if you don't attend the craft night but would like to make it on your own, the finished project price is the price if I MAKE it for you.
Thankful Board
12” x 12 “
Kit price- $12
Finished Project $15
Harvest- A time of
x 5
Kit price- $7
Finished Project $10
Fall Word Blocks
3.5 x 8 or 3.5 x 12
Kit price- $4 each
Finished Project $5 |
Happy Haunting
12 x 12
Kit price- $12
Finished Project $15
Ghosts Witches &
9 x
Kit price- $8
Finished Project $11
Halloween Subway
x 12”
Kit price- $26
Finished Project $35
Pumpkin blocks
Kit price- $10
Finished Project $16
Hayrides Board
24” x 12
Kit price- $18
Finished Project $27
Night Out
will be Nov. 7th and 8th.
Check back next week 10-7-13 for a price list and pictures!
I will feature gift ideas and Christmas Decor....
Growth Chart
Door post with seasonal signs
Personalized Welcome signs
and so much more!!!!